

Eesti Päevalehe Faktikontroll (EPF) is a fact-checking unit based in Estonia and accredited by the International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN). EPF focuses on investigative journalism and fact-checking, including issues related to disinformation and propaganda. The team consists of five people, with one person solely dedicated to fact-checking, two people working on both investigations and disinformation topics, and two people focused on investigations. EPF also collaborates with the Estonian Debating Society (EDS), with volunteers from EDS regularly publishing fact-checks according to an internally agreed and publicly available method. EPF publishes an average of 5-10 fact checks per month, which are always made available to the public without a paywall. In order to maintain editorial independence, EPF is open to funding its activities through grants and agreements with third parties. As of now, EPF has received funding from the IPI Newsspectrum grant for a pilot project of Russian language fact-checking and is a copartner of Facebook’s third-party fact-checking program.

Representatives: Holger Roonemaa, Erik Moora, Mari-Liis Somelar, Marta Vunš.
