Conference “Trust and Truth. Journalism in the Time of Crisis”

On November 11, 2022, Conference “Trust and Truth. Journalism in the Time of Crisis” will take place.

Hosted on the rotating basis by the public broadcasters of the Baltic States, the annual BCME event brings pressing issues of the day to the fore and invites leading journalistic minds to reflect on them. This year, the Conference will bring together local and international experts and journalism leaders to discuss the challenges that war brings to journalism and how to maintain audience trus in troubled times.

How does the war affect editorial decision making and how do editorial teams fight war fatigue of audiences? How does OSINT and other widely availible information sources help media provide in-depth stories rapidly? How can media preserve editorial independence and integrity? What should be done by media industry itself and other stakeholders? These are only few of the questions to which the Conference will try to find answers to.

The latest Conference agenda can be found bellow. Conference will be broadcasted online and we invite everyone to follow it online at LSM.LV

The Conference is being implemented and supported by the BCME, Latvian Television, Latvian Radio, Latvian public media website LSM, The Netherlands Embassy in Riga and the Fund for Bilaterial Relations of the EEA and the Norwegian Financial Mechanisms 2014-2021.
