
What does the little green frog logo on food products mean?


Foods with the little green frog logo contain iRNA vaccines, and the label itself is owned by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.


This is not true. The little green frog seal belongs to „The Rainforest Alliance“, a non-governmental organisation working to encourage businesses and farmers to adopt more sustainable practices for the planet and human rights. The label indicates that a particular product has been produced in protection of environment and biodiversity, as well as ensuring that workers are paid fair wages and provided with good working conditions. „The Rainforest Alliance“ is not affiliated with or owned by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. In 2007, The Foundation awarded the Alliance a grant to develop agriculture in Africa. This is the only support the Foundation has given to the organisation.


In grocery stores in Lithuania and other countries, there are a number of products bearing the logo of a green frog on a white background. The logo also includes the words „Rainforest Alliance“ and „People & Nature“.

Being „Rainforest Alliance“ certified does not imply that these products contain vaccines, such labelling simply indicates that the product has been produced in a sustainable manner. Farmers who supply products with this label adhere to more sustainable farming practices, which include protecting forests, soil, and wildlife. The frog logo on packaging can also indicate that the producer applies good practices and ensures that workers are paid fair wages and provided with decent working conditions.

„The Rainforest Alliance“, a non-governmental organisation working to promote responsible business, has authorised the logo for use on a wide range of food products. The organisation fosters links between environmentally and human rights friendly businesses and helps them to cope with the effects of climate change and adapt to increasingly challenging farming conditions.

„The Rainforest Alliance“ was created in 1987 by Daniel Katz, an American environmental activist who was only 24 years old at the time and who was committed to save rainforests. Starting as a small organisation, „The Rainforest Alliance“ now brings together companies and farmers from 70 different countries (according to 2020 data). The establishment of this organisation has no connection to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. In 2007, the Gates’s Foundation awarded a grant of USD 5,343,025 (approximately EUR 4.93 million) to the „Rainforest Alliance“ to develop agriculture on the African continent. This is the only grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to the „Rainforest Alliance“.


Daniel R. Katz

Fair business labels


Our Founder, Daniel Katz, Reflects on the Origins of the Rainforest Alliance

Committed grants. Rainforest Alliance, Inc. New Business Models for Sustainable Trading Relationships.