April 24
Diana Poudel’s public lecture “Empowering communities to foster media literacy and combat disinformation”

Diana Poudel’s public lecture “Empowering communities to foster media literacy and combat disinformation”

On April 24, from 12:15 PM to 1:45 PM, Diana Poudel, a PhD student and junior researcher in information resilience at the University of Tartu’s Institute of Social Sciences, will give an English-language public lecture titled “Empowering communities to foster media literacy and combat disinformation”.

The lecture will take on Zoom. Join here!

In a situation where information chaos is increasing faster than the number of media and digital literacy trainers, it is crucial to find new ways to quickly impart necessary knowledge and skills to people. One option is collaborating with existing networks and communities to reach a broader audience.

Diana Poudel will provide an overview of various theories that could assist in planning such cooperation and will share her experiences on how she has reached new audiences through different civic initiatives and networks.

Diana Poudel is a PhD student at the Institute of Social Sciences at the University of Tartu, a junior researcher in information resilience, and a member of the Women’s Voluntary Defense Organization.
